Jersey Shore
Jersey Shore is an American reality television series that premiered on MTV on December 9, 2009 in the United States. The series follows the lives of eight housemates spending their summer at the Jersey Shore. Season 2 followed the cast escaping the cold northeast winter to Miami Beach, with Season 3 returning back to the Jersey Shore. MTV has announced that a fourth season will be filmed in Italy to air in late 2011.
The show debuted amid large amounts of controversy regarding the use of the words "Guido/Guidette," portrayals of Italian-American stereotypes, and scrutiny from locals because the cast members were not residents of the area.
Choose an artwork below:
Jersey Shore - GTL
Jersey Shore - Ferris Wheel
Jersey Shore - Fist
Jersey Shore - Logo
Jersey Shore - Night Out
Jersey Shore - Situation Logo
Jersey Shore - Snooki
Jersey Shore - Florence
Jersey Shore - Grenade Free Foundation
Jersey Shore - GTL Icons
Jersey Shore - Pauly D
Jersey Shore - Wild